Will Charlie Munger Have a Successor

(May 3, 2014) Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett talks about his working relationship with Charlie Munger and whether there’s been talk of a successor to Munger.

Class B Stock Split Was “Easy Decision”

(January 20, 2010) On the morning of a special meeting of shareholders called to approve a 50-for-1 split of Berkshire Class B shares, Warren Buffett explains how the BNSF acquisition prompted him to make an exception to his long-standing aversion to stock splits. He also strongly criticizes Kraft’s planned purchase of Cadbury.

Susan Lucci Takes Over Berkshire Hathaway

(May 3, 2008) Actress Susan Lucci makes an appearance at the Berkshire meeting, joking that she has swapped jobs with Warren Buffett. Buffett returns, however, when Lucci starts describing the changes she’s planning for the company.

Economic Impact of Subprime Loans

(May 7, 2007) At the 2007 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, home prices start declining and some borrowers default on their loans. Looking ahead, Warren Buffett predicts that while this will be a “big problem” for the institutions and individuals involved, he doesn’t expect it to have a significant impact on the economy as a whole.

Challenge of Successors

(May 5, 2007) Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger describe what they are looking for in Berkshire managers and why the right people are hard to come by.

Margin of Safety

(May 5, 2007) Charlie Munger believes that the margin of safety process in investing is similar to processes that exist in engineering. For example, if you are building a bridge, as the engineer you want to make sure that it is significantly stronger than necessary to deal with the very worst case. Warren Buffett wrote... Continue Reading →

Picking Corporate Board

(April 30, 2005) Pricewaterhouse and the Financial Times conducted a survey asking CEOs around the world who they would want on their boards. In the wake of asking Bill Gates to join his own board, Warren Buffett comments on the survey’s results.

Sneak Out of School

(May 3, 2003) Warren Buffett tells the story of how his high school golf coach Bob Dwyer used to take him to watch horse racing during school hours.

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